Friday, August 20, 2010


Heyy y'all! I like that word! It makes me feel all country-like lol! All though i would never want to be a cowgirl. I would wear the cute boots and clothes and stuff but i would never ever EVER even consider riding a horse or herding cows or whatever it is they do. Thats gross. who wants to be dirty??? but ANYWAY haha back to what i was gonna talk about. whoo i babysat the CUTEST kids eva last night! they were seriously like perfect. all i had to do was sit on the couch and text people/play games/facebook on my iphone while they entertained themselves! then they went to bed and i watched tv and stuff! easiest job EVA! I even got paid 20 bucks! 20 bucks to sit on the couch and watch tv sounds good to me!(: (hehe that rhymed) (:

ttyl gtg cya or whatever! smooches bye!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

OH EM GEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AHHH GUYS! I haven't blogged in 4EVA! I have been so supah dupah busy with cheer and BrAdEn and being a hottie! Haha! I also went the Justin Bieber concert! dangg that boy is FINE!!! Dont worry BrAdEn! I still love you! SCHOOL STARTS ON MONDAY! grr im not excited. the only thing im excited for is cheering at games and stuff! and being with 20 of my closest friends! and having all the guys stare at me and all the girls scuzzing me cuz im so hott. ~sighs~ sometimes being so hott is a burden ya know? Summer has gone by soo fricken fast. im just like "woah where did the time go???" Its been pretty amazing tho! well gtg homies! smooches love ya all!

Thursday, August 5, 2010


Oh em gee you guys sorry I haven't blogged in 4eva!!! I went to cheer camp and OH MAN was it FANTABOULOUS!!!!!!!!!!! we had so much fun winning and getting big trophies! also got our uniforms! they are supah cute and a tiny bit slutty(; oh well! i would post pictures but for some reason my camera wont upload them to my computer :( but dont you worry we were all hott and tan and wonderful looking! OOH! I almost forgot!! next week i am gonna be gone monday through thursday cuz im going on a vacay with bRaDeN and his fam!!! WHOO! EXCITED!!!! we are going on a cruise through the bahamas!! wayyyy exotic! so ya im not gonna be blogging all next week :( i will miss you all soooooo much! smooches! (:

Saturday, July 31, 2010


Im mad at you all. so haha you get to listen to me complain cuz im not happy at all. usually my posts are happy but since you guys WONT help me i just have to be sad. i thought we were best blog friends?? how could you do this to me? all i can do today is bawl and bawl and bawl and then bawl some more! not even my bRaDeN can cheer me up!!! and its ALL YOUR FAULT!!

to make it up to me i expect flowers and chocolate (low fat sugar free! gotta stay skinny!!) and blog hugs and kisses on the cheek. oh and comments. lots and lots of comments. you better get working!

Friday, July 30, 2010


GUYS! where the freak are you???? i need your help! come one! i was soooo sad when i checked and saw 0 COMMENTS!! i seriously just about started bawling! my heart is frowning so big that im not sure it will ever be able to smile again! puh-LEASE help me! :( :( :( :( :( :(

imma go talk to bRaDeN to cheer me up :( :( :( :( :(

Thursday, July 29, 2010


heyy everybody! need some help here! wheres the best place to fake tan??? i need to be a perfect orange for the start of school! I cant have weird tan lines with my uniform!!! that would just look supah weird! and i dont wanna get made fun of!!! my amazing mommy and daddy said they would pay whatever so it can be really expensive! i have no price range! i mean i am already SUPAH DUPAH tan! it kinda comes naturally! sometimes i get tan by just staying inside! cool huh?!?! but i need to be even more tan!!!!!!

smooches! love ya all!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


oh em gee you guys! did you see me in the days of 47 parade??? i had SOOO much fun waving at everybody and looking hott on top of that float!!! me and my attendents (hehe that means they have to "attend" to me!!!! happy dance!) had a blast!!!!!! i think they were a bit jeals tho cuz i was the queen and they were just princesses. oh well! did you like my dress??? i LURVED it! everyone said i looked FRECKIN AMAZING and i was like DUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! then after the parade me and my 20 closest friends + our bfs went to the gateway!!! tons and tons of pics of us striking sassy poses by the water fountains and trying on clothes!!!! everyone was staring at us with jealousy!!!!! i bet they wished they were as hott and fun and stylish as we are! and for those of you that dont live in the us/utah heres a pic of my dress!!! (its up top cuz it wont download down here :()

Monday, July 26, 2010


heyyy everybody!!!!!!!!! i cant think of anything to talk about today, so my BrAdEn is gonna rite a post! love ya!!

hey guys. i dont really know what to rite about ether. my kens just said to rite something so you guys can all know how awesome i am or something like that. so ummmm ya... well i guess im gonna tell you guys about myself. i play pretty much every sport. bball football soccor you name it. i love my kens. shes fricken amazing. a lot of guys hate me cuz i have her! we are like the biggest power couple at our jr high. "head cheerleader and sports star". the 2 most popular kids in school. ummmmmmmmmmmm so ya im done. idk what else to say...


Saturday, July 24, 2010


OH EM GEE guys im sooooo sorry!!! i haven't blogged in forever!!!!!!!! sorry i've just been so busy with BrAdEn and cheer!!!!! and my stupid head cheerleader! ugh shes just such a frump. looking at her makes my heart sad. so i just dont look at her anymore. i also was in the days of 47 parade cuz im Miss name-of-my-city! BOOYA!!!!!!!!

Thursday, July 22, 2010


OMG you guys!!!! I am like SOOOOO stressed right now!!!!!!! did you watch the bachorelette????? UGH ITS KILLING ME! im stressin over it!!!!!!!!!! that and CHEERLEADER NATION (the show im gonna be on someday) did you see the last episode??? regionals roulette??? I WAS SO SCARED THAT AYRICA WASN'T GONNA SHOW UP AND THAT THEY WERE GONNA LOSE!!! BAHH!!!!! IM GONNA GO TAKE A BATH TO UN-STRESS MYSELF OUT!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Service makes my heart do a smile(:

whoo! I decided to do something good for you all and give you some advice(: spread it and use it well!!!!

Kensleys fail-proof list of how to get popular FAST (this one is kinda like my bf list)
1. dye hair blonde
2. be a cheerleader/officer (but you should strive for cheer!!)
3. be happy/fake to everybody
4. wear aero and hollister shirts and skinny jeans
5. get a pair of converse!
6. DO NOT join the band! social suicide!
7. same with bball/volleyball/track.
8.have a really cool cell phone
9. have a bf
10. act dumb
11. get bad grades
12. wear lots of makeup
13. always straten your hair. do nothing else.

yay! have fun!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

seriously how dumb can you get???

some people are just so dumb.. seriously. today at cheer practice we decided to do it outside cuz it was so nice, and the TRACK girlz were out there practicing!

can you say "ew???"

those girls are worse than volleyball and bball combined. they are all sweaty and hairy and gross!!! dont they realize that you can stay thin by taking pills or throwing up? or not eating? HOW DUMB CAN YOU GET??? running just makes you look sweaty and yucky. watching them makes my heart do a frowny face :( and none of them are pretty! maybe track is just another word for old maids club. ya know a place where are the frumpy girls can get together and run and get sweaty to take away all of their problems?

idk. but those girls are dumb

Monday, July 19, 2010


WHOO! yay for GIRLS DAY and PEDIS!! just got one yesterday! sooo fun! i went with 15 of my closest friends and all of our cute moms! (well not all... some of my friends have kinda frumpy moms. that makes my heart do a frowny face :(( poor them!! lucky for me my mom is wayy cute(:) then we went to the movies and saw Eclipse for the like 7th time lol, but it was sooo fun! then we had a photoshoot at the park(: haha love the looks of jealousy on everybodies faces! you wish you were as hott as us! maybe if they go to church some more they can be like a tenth of how hott we are(:

Sunday, July 18, 2010

for my poor bf-less girlies

Heyy peeps! 'kay so I decided that since I'm so happy cuz i found BrAdEn i'm gonna help you guys get your own hottie! (yay 4 service!)

Kensleys fail proof list of how to get a man:
1. Be a cheerleader
2. die your hair blond
3. giggle a lot. boys LURVE it
4. wear slutty stuff. remember- its not a sin if you win!
5. act dumb.
6. call them 24/7
7. text them 24/7
8. speak softly- this way they have to leann into you to hear(;
9. compliment them on EVERYTHING
10. wear TONS of makeup
11. stay supah dupah skinny
12. fake tan. the more orange the better!
13. make your hair REALLY BIG
14. remember- ponytails are a no no!
15. wear pants that have cute stuff ritten across the butt like "supahstarr" or "cutee"
16. snap your gum a lot

the last one is supah dupah important! cant tell you this enough!


how do you think i got my BrAdEn?? I was righteus! go to church girlies! follow the plan!

love ya all!(:

Saturday, July 17, 2010



(: (: (: (: (: (: (:

Friday, July 16, 2010

i need a man :(

OMG YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

its been like 3 days and i STILL dont have a bf!!! i feel like such a looossseeerrrr!! ugh! all the guys that have been asking me out are either nerdy/ugly/non-righteus! i hate this! i feel ugly and homely! seriously guys i need to fine myself a MAN! another pixture maybe? here you go!

Economy Mini-Pleat Cheerleading Skirt

Thursday, July 15, 2010

ummm awkkward

sooo... awkward moment the other day! me and my cheer buds were talkin about the cheer sleepover were gonna have in a week and my poor spinsty friend ashley was like

"can i come?"

then there was this awkkwardd silence cuz we didn't know what to say... shes not a cheerleader.
and only CHEERLEADERS can come to the sleepover. i feel bad for her cuz shes not in anything. shes not a cheerleader, or a officer, or a dancer, shes not even on the basketball or volleyball team (shudders... those girls are scary) i mean i feel bad she didn't make cheer.. but i mean this is only for cheerleaders!!


Wednesday, July 14, 2010

boys what r we gonna do w/them??

well me and my bf broke up! hes being a not nice word. so im kinda glad we did! my only prob is that i need a new one FAST cuz otherwise im gonna look homely like my poor captain who has never even had a bf! ~gasps~!

i know. sad huh?

so ya rite now im looking for a new one! lucky for me i am IN DEMAND(; tons and tons of guys were commenting on my changed relationship status of fb (love fb. best invention since lipgloss) asking me out! too bad none of them were righteus enough!

if anyone knows of a hott single RIGHTEUS teen male tell mee!!! heres a pic to convince him(:

insert pic of me in cheerleader uniform

hott right???

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


'kay guys i promised myself that i would keep things happy and fun on this blog, but i just have to be depressing today cuz my life is soooo hard at the moment! cheer is getting sooo hard, and our "captain" is buggin! she makes up dumb dances that aren't even slutty at all!!! and when we try to add something to make it more interesting she gets all mad and says it has to be "skool apropriate" (whatever that means). also i haven't been able to see my friends in like a day cuz my mom is always having me babysit my 2 annoying bros!!! i love them.. but they are annoying! ugh its just such a hardship! (see mom?? im getting better at skool stuff! i just used "hardship")

all right! thats my only sad post! dont worry! all the rest will be supah happy(:
unless my stupid captain is being dumb again.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Heyy everybody!!! Im Kensley! this is my first time blogging! i am supah dupah excited to start! let me tell you about myself.

I am a cheerleader at my jr high and LOVE IT! GO TEAM GO! im also head cheerleader!! (well not really... but everybody acts like i am cuz the real head cheerleader is homely and doesn't even have a BF ~gasp~) my fav things in l!fe are:

1 pedis!
2 Manis!
3 cheer!!!
4 gossiping! (only nice stuff!)
5 excersizing!
6 blogging! (EVERYBODYS doing it!)
7 shopping!
8 HOTT guys (;
9 txting!

my least fav things in life are:
1 ugly cheerleaders
2 actually ugly people in general!
3 reading! soooo boring!
4 skool! only good thing about it is HOTT GUYS!!!
5 jealus people!
6 friends that tlk crapp about u!
7 dirty places!

I also l!ke to use LOTS AND LOTS of exclamat!ion po!nts, and CAPATALIZE THINGS THAT ARE OF MINOR IMPORTANCE!

yeppers(: thats me!!!!